Monday, May 01, 2006

Here we go!

We've read plenty of blogs before, but this is our first blogging attempt. Fingers crossed it works and is not absolutely dead boring.

Tonight we leave Australia for a belated honeymoon in Malaysia before moving to the UK. After so much planning it's hard to believe we're actually going now. It's just a little terrifying. Of course there are two weeks sitting on a beach before the terrifying bit so I'm sure we can handle it! Mmm beaches...


Blogger David A Hood said...

I'm not lying back, nor thinking of England, but wishing you two great travels and lots of fun..... Look forwrad to following the posts on this blog

9:25 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice title :P

Have a fabulous time wandering the planet. I'll keep an eye on this here little blog-spot to see how you're going.

Enjoy the beaches!! (jealous much)

10:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you get me a packet of chips while you're out and about?

1:07 am  

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