The week in review
The second of the interviews was with another researcher, the head of the LIS (Legal Information Services) team, and the HR manager, and was much harder and more formal than the first. You know, one of the ones where you come out and then you start thinking of all the answers you should have given... one of those answers for me was to the usual (and horrible): why are you the ideal person for this job? Now let me explain a couple of things. The position is a maternity replacement contract as the EU research specialist in the business research team, and they had been trying to fill it for 3 months. I've done next to no EU research and much, much prefer legal research to anything even remotely approaching business research. So the answer going through my head at the time was something along the lines of "in your ideal world you would have found someone with much more relevant experience than mine, and in my ideal world you'd have a legal research position going, but since neither of those is true how about you just give me this job". I think I managed to say something about how in such a setting you needed both legal and business research skills and although I had no EU experience I have experience in other jurisdictions and was confident of my ability to learn quickly. Still, I'm very glad they've found room for an extra legal researcher. Business and tax research are two areas I've been avoiding for years.
Having some time on my hands last night I logged into Flickr to reorganise our site there, and managed to successfully and unintentionally delete all our photos. You might think that unintentionally deleting photos would be difficult since they warn you not once but three times that the deletion will be permanent and irreversible, but I managed it. Clever, huh? I'll try to reload them at the beginning of next month, when hopefully our quota will have been renewed.
But the best news this week was from Aja (the wonderful singer from our wedding) and Al (Aja's incredibly tall and lovely husband) who wrote to say they're coming to visit over Christmas - New Years. Hooray! We can't wait to see you! Below is a couple of photos from the night before Aj & Al's wedding last year.

We've also heard a rumour that Maris and Sarah are now engaged. Congratulations!